Friday, January 24, 2014

January 24, 2014 Update...

Dear Parents,
Thank you for visiting today! We've had a great week.  Please check out below to find out what we've been doing in class.

Phonics/Grammar: We learned all about r-influenced vowels (-er, -eer, -ear) and long vowel combinations (ee, ea, ai, oa).  We also learned how a suffix affects the meaning of the root word, specifically the -ful suffix.

Reading: We read several more chapters in James and the Giant Peach.  We discussed the character traits of the main characters and the textual evidence that supports our thinking. In addition, we read two different versions of the fairytale, Cinderella.  One was the traditional version and one was a native American version called The Rough-Face Girl.  We compared the characters, setting, problem, solution, and central message.We worked in small groups on alphabetizing words, working on our chapter books to improve comprehension, and building our site word knowledge.

Writing: We completed an opinion paper this week that answered the question, "Do you think Martin Luther King, Jr. was an American hero?"  We stated our opinion, gave reasons supported by factual evidence, and ended with a strong closing. We worked individually with a teacher to edit and revise our papers.

Math:  We worked extensively on writing matching equations for multi-step word problems. We also continued our work adding four two-digit numbers.  We practiced our math fact fluency with our Tile Math cards and we played Salute.

Social Studies:  We read a big book on Jackie Robinson and learned all about his work to change segregation in sports.  We completed a four square, writing facts about his life and  we watched a short video clip about his life. We also compared his struggles to Martin Luther King's struggles. We listened to Martin Luther King's "I have a dream..." speech.  

Class News and Announcements...

Thank you, Mrs. Kale, for helping out on Thursday with OSCARS!  We had a record number of kids get stars this week!!!  Way to go!!!

If you have legos to donate to our class, please do so by Friday!  Any amount will help us out!

Our dry erase markers are drying out...I would like everyone to bring in a two or four pack to get us through the end of the school year.

Please make sure your child is being responsible with homework!  We are seeing too many children who "forget"!  We are preparing for third grade, so there will be consequences when homework is not done.

Kemp is not yet over the stomach bug or the flu outbreak. Remember to respect the guidelines for when to allow your child to return to school.

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